“Feline Graduates: A Heartwarming Tale of a Cat and Her Kitten Earning Emotional Support Certifications”

When he was rescued, Salem was a mere 7-week-old kitten with two broken legs. However, with proper care and treatment from the vet, he made a quick recovery and grew up to become an incredibly confident and sassy cat. His family is in awe of how he has blossomed over time. This story was shared by Hailee Weader.


According to Hailee Weader, Salem’s mother, if you don’t wake up at precisely 8 a.m. to give him his breakfast, he will not hesitate to climb on top of you and start pawing at your face or tugging at your hair until you get up. He loves to follow us around, even when we’re taking a shower, and always makes sure to meow or “talk” to each of us as he goes about his day. He’s also quite mischievous – if we’re not paying attention to him or if he doesn’t like something, he’ll find the nearest plant and knock it off the windowsill or table, making a huge mess in the process.


Salem may have very firm beliefs, but he also has a remarkable ability to understand the emotions of those around him, particularly his mother. As time passed, Weader realized that even though she took Salem in, he would eventually become her rescuer in his own way.

Whenever Weader is having a tough day or experiencing a panic attack, Salem comes to her and snuggles up next to her while kneading her legs and purring. He has been a great source of solace for her throughout the year.


Salem was bestowed with the title of Weader’s college emotional support cat, as she was preparing for her last year of studies and felt that her feline companion was indispensable for her journey.


Weader shared that her furry friend was quite popular among the campus community. Whenever they would take a stroll or when Weader would push him around in his stroller, people would stop and interact with him, treating him like a mini-celebrity. They would spend time talking to him or giving him a pat on the head.


Weader realized that Salem was an integral part of her graduation. As a faithful companion, he had supported her throughout her college journey, and she believed he deserved recognition for his contributions. Thus, she decided to get him a cap and gown to walk alongside her on graduation day. This way, Salem could receive an honorary degree in emotional support, which he rightfully earned.


Due to the pandemic, the graduation ceremony was arranged as a drive-by event. Salem accompanied his mother on this special day and felt proud about it. After the ceremony, Salem’s attire received a lot of attention and admiration from the people around him. His mother, Weader, was delighted that they were able to celebrate this occasion despite the challenges posed by the pandemic. Overall, it was a memorable day for Salem and his family.


When Weader first met Salem, she had no idea that he would eventually become such a source of support for her in life. Despite this, Salem is incredibly grateful for all that his mother has done for him and is eager to find ways to repay her kindness. Recently, the dynamic duo achieved an impressive accomplishment by graduating as emotional support professionals – a purr-fect achievement indeed!