Breaking Free: The Incredible Escape of a Dog from a Life of Neglect on a Balcony

Taking care of a pet requires a huge responsibility from its owner to ensure its safety and health. As animals that depend solely on their owners, it is the responsibility of the owner to take care of them properly. Recently, some concerned citizens rescued a dog that was struggling and hanging on for dear life from a balcony. Thankfully, the dog was saved before any harm could befall it.

The discovery on the balcony was unexpected and shocking. A German Shepherd was discovered alone on an apartment balcony in Egypt. The distressing part was that the canine seemed to have been tied up on the balcony for a few days, with no signs of food or water anywhere nearby. It appeared to be hungry and had probably tried to jump off the balcony as a final attempt to flee from its miserable state.

The dog was in a miserable situation as it had a chain around its neck, making it impossible to break free. Sadly, the poor animal was suffocating while dangling over the balcony. Even if the chain was absent, the balcony was located three levels above ground level, and any fall would have been catastrophic for the dog.

The unfortunate living conditions of the dog
Fortunately, a man heard the distressed cries of the German Shepherd and came to its aid. Despite attempts by a neighbor to rescue the dog, they were unsuccessful until the man provided assistance, successfully bringing the animal back onto the balcony.

A kind-hearted observer steps in to assist a distressed dog. Upon examination, they discover that the chain has caused deep cuts on the poor animal’s neck, but fortunately, it wasn’t fatal. The living arrangements of the hound were appalling, as it was living in unsanitary conditions without access to food or water.

The German Shepherd dog was taken to the Egyptian Society for Mercy to Animals shelter after being found with serious wounds and illnesses due to living in awful conditions on a balcony. The doctors at the shelter treated the dog’s wounds and ailments, helping it to make a full recovery. Afterwards, the dog, named Bella, was moved to another shelter called Special Needs Animal Rescue Rehabilitation. Bella was eventually adopted by a loving family in the United States who provided her with all the care and affection she needed to recover fully from her previous trauma. Today, Bella is happy and content living with her new family and has become an essential part of their home.