Airport Pup’s Empathy Takes Flight: Providing Comfort to a Troubled Passenger.

Airports can be quite overwhelming. Besides the typical worries of traveling, there is an added layer of security, long lines, and overpriced, disappointing food options.

According to the famous words of Douglas Adams, it’s quite peculiar that no language has ever come up with the phrase “As pretty as an airport”. But let’s say that your beloved dog has recently passed away – that’s the kind of situation one traveller had to face until Cora the Corgi arrived. Cora is a therapy dog in training and seems to possess an extraordinary ability to sense and empathize with the pain of others.

According to Madison Palm, Cora, her pet dog, strolled around our small seating spot and greeted anyone who walked past or sat nearby. While Madison was unwinding and having a bite, Cora dozed off, and she briefly released her leash. This is when Cora woke up and silently approached a stranger. Without Madison’s notice, Cora was already at the man’s feet, enjoying his affection.

I inquired from him whether the girl was causing any trouble, and he responded with a gloomy expression and tearful eyes saying, “No, no. I lost my beloved dog last night.” However, he still gave Cora some love by gently scratching her ears, patting her back, and praising her cuteness in a whisper.
Amidst the aftermath, he took out his phone to capture a snapshot of Cora, and astonishingly, she sat directly in front of him, facing him motionlessly to secure a perfect shot.
Cora has a remarkable talent for identifying individuals who require a furry buddy to lift their spirits, but her own past is marred by pain and sorrow.

When Cora was eight years old, she was saved from the clutches of a backyard breeder who exploited her for producing puppies to sell. Corgis are highly sought-after dogs and fetch a good price, making them an attractive choice for breeders. Unfortunately, Cora was not spared from this cruel practice. Before being rescued, she had already given birth to 15 litters of puppies. However, her last litter only produced one healthy pup, prompting her previous owners to abandon her. Thankfully, Madison Palm took Cora in as a foster dog. But, Madison fell in love with Cora and ended up adopting her permanently.

Madison expresses her admiration for the wonderful personality of Cora, describing her as a loving creature who never leaves her side. Even when Madison is busy, Cora keeps a watchful eye on her. If Madison is unavailable, Cora seeks out the nearest lap to sit on and nudges whoever is present until they pet her. People often comment on Cora’s sweetness, which is evident in her gentle and kind disposition that she displays consistently.

It’s clear to me that she has a natural ability to sense who is in pain and who requires her attention. I am constantly amazed by her. It’s incredible to think that a dog who was deprived of love for seven and a half years is capable of showing so much affection.