Caring Siamese Cat Mom Keeps a Watchful Eye on Her Curious Kittens

Sandra, a first-time mother cat, is fiercely guarding her three newborn male kittens- Finn, Chai, and the smallest of all, Rudy. Rudy’s front paw seems to be slightly bent at an unusual angle, but it doesn’t deter his adventurous spirit. Sandra is extra cautious around Rudy and gives him extra attention and care.

Rudy is a unique little pup, but he doesn’t seem to realize it. Instead of focusing on what he can’t do, he’s always eager to discover what he can do. That’s why he was the first of his siblings to try standing up and walking, despite his paw’s imperfections. However, Rudy’s mom is overly protective and won’t let him explore on his own, no matter how much he tries to show his independence.