Surprise! Their Dog Gave Birth to Calf-like Puppies

The Blacks, who have a passion for fostering dogs, had already welcomed more than 20 furry friends into their home. When they learned that a heavily pregnant Golden Retriever named Rosie needed a temporary home, they didn’t hesitate to open their hearts and doors to her.

Rosie had been staying at the Neuse River Golden Retriever Rescue when the Blacks took her in. As her due date approached, the couple eagerly awaited the arrival of her puppies.

When the big day finally came, Katie and John were overjoyed to see Rosie give birth to a litter of adorable puppies. But what they didn’t expect was a little surprise that came with the package.

Four little puppies were born to Rosie and they were incredibly cute, but surprisingly, they didn’t resemble their mother at all. Their white coat was covered in black spots which made them appear more like calves than Golden Retriever puppies.

The sudden arrival of newborn puppies was a surprise to everyone except Rosie, who seemed unfazed by their presence. The pair went on to give the four puppies names – Daisy, Clarabelle, Betsy, and Moo – based on their distinctive features.

Rosie’s tale might be shocking, but it’s not unusual for puppies to look nothing like their parents. As per The Nest, a puppy inherits characteristics from both its parents, but the possibility of it resembling either of them depends on the genes they carry. The Australian Shepherd Health Genetics Institute states that dominant genes always take precedence over recessive ones, determining which traits will manifest in the puppy’s physical appearance.

Despite the circumstances, Rosie seems to be relishing in her role as a mother and is not letting any external factors dampen her spirits. According to Katie, Rosie is beaming with pride as a new mother.