Feline Love Story: How a Couple Rescued a 33-Pound Cat and Embarked on a Health Journey

Meet Bronson, a hefty cat with a unique coat color who used to weigh 33 pounds while residing at the Humane Society in Michigan. However, a kind couple saw Bronson and immediately fell in love with him, giving him a loving home and helping him lose weight. Now, he weighs a healthy 17.3 pounds and has gained an impressive following of almost 300K fans on Instagram due to his charming personality. Bronson is now part of a family of three cats and continues to win hearts with his affable nature.

A few years ago, Mike Wilson and Megan Hanneman founded a company that specializes in creating wall-mounted furniture for cats. The couple, based in Michigan, made sure that their designs were cat-friendly by testing them on their own two feline pets at home. However, they were not satisfied with just two cats and decided to adopt another one who could easily blend in with their current pets. They visited the Humane Society one day to find the “purrfect” kitty for their family. Instead of choosing a conventionally attractive feline with bright eyes, they went for an unusual one – a massive cat with polydactyl paws, which reminded them of their home state. In a rush to find their newest family member, they only had 45 minutes to spare before work and found themselves at a nearby Humane Society.

During their initial visit to the shelter, the couple unfortunately did not get to meet Bronson face-to-face. They were told by the receptionist that they first needed to have an interview with a staff member before being allowed to interact with him. As a result, they only caught a glimpse of his backside and had to schedule another visit for a proper introduction. When they returned, they were delighted to finally meet the adorable feline they had been discussing. They were determined to help Bronson shed some pounds by providing him with a suitable diet plan. It was revealed that Bronson’s previous owner had passed away, leaving him with no option but to consume leftover food instead of a healthy, grain-free diet. The couple instantly fell in love with this sweet-natured cat and couldn’t stop grinning throughout their visit. It was clear that they had developed a special connection with Bronson, the lovable giant.

As soon as the couple got home, they made sure to schedule Bronson’s first visit to the vet. With his imposing figure, endearing face, and adorable mittens, the veterinary staff couldn’t help but fawn over him and visit him often. His friendly demeanor makes him a cherished companion for everyone who meets him. After leaving him, the couple couldn’t stop talking about Bronson and how adopting him would bring them so much happiness, especially in helping him lose some extra weight.

Wilson and Hanneman have taken a gradual approach to adjusting their cat’s calorie intake in order to help him lose weight. Regular weight monitoring ensures that they can reduce his portions without causing discomfort. They’ve also incorporated exercise into his daily routine, experimenting with different activities to keep him engaged. Initially, they tried playing with toys while he lay down for 20 minutes a day, but they’ve since added in some stairs to climb. When they adopted the cat, they tried to find out about his past, but the Humane Society could only tell them that his previous owner had passed away.

Bronson, the cat, has faced some challenges due to his weight. His owners are concerned that allowing him to climb stairs may lead to joint damage or injury. Thus, they have modified his exercise routine to best suit his needs. Currently, Bronson is encouraged to walk by moving his food dish around the room and playing with toys while lying down. His favorite toy is a tomato filled with catnip, which he kicks with his back feet. It is suspected that Bronson’s weight issue may stem from an elderly person feeding him unhealthy foods or table scraps as he weighed 33 pounds at the young age of three years old.

Bronson was a hefty fellow, and his owners found it challenging to transport him without causing any pain. To solve this problem, they came up with an innovative idea – the “transportation pillow.” It’s a cushion that they use to carry Bronson around, making it easy for them to move him to the living room without any discomfort. Mike and Megan were smitten with Bronson from the moment they met him, and their faces lit up with joy.

Bronson’s foster parents have taken great care to maintain their furry companion’s well-being. They revealed that Bronson adores sleeping with a particular item and have received several helpful suggestions on how to keep him in good shape. Their dedication has paid off, as Bronson has already lost 1.6 pounds and is making steady progress toward his monthly target of losing one pound. Despite not being as active as other felines, Bronson’s individuality remains evident, and he continues to be a lovable and contented member of the family, which thrills his adoptive parents.

After warmly receiving Bronson into their abode, the duo organized his first visit to the vet.

For cats that are carrying a few extra pounds, it’s important to take a slow and steady approach to weight loss. This is because rapid weight loss can lead to Fatty Liver Disease, which is a dangerous condition that can even be deadly.

Bronson’s adoptive parents have altered his eating habits thrice after bringing him home, and they perceive that he is progressively reaching a healthy state by shedding surplus weight.

Currently, he consumes a total of 375 calories every day. This consists of an equal proportion of kibble and wet food that is free from any grains.

His exercise routine has been modified several times as well.

My four-legged companion had an interesting approach to exercise. He would engage in unique activities such as nudging his food bowl around the house, and even indulge in playful antics while lying on his back with his toys.

My four-legged companion has a special liking for a plaything that gives him non-stop happiness – a tomato packed with catnip. He just can’t say no to the urge of jumping on it, biting into it, and wildly kicking it with his hind limbs. Among all his toys, this one ranks as his ultimate favorite.

A personalized Instagram account has been set up to track the progress of an individual’s weight loss journey. This platform enables people who are curious to monitor and follow their development process more closely.

Right from the beginning, it was clear that moving Bronson would not be an easy task. As he is a huge canine with most of his mass in the chest area, lifting him without causing any discomfort or compression was challenging.

To tackle this problem, they utilized a cushion that worked wonders in helping him move to the lounge area without experiencing any uneasiness.

Bronson’s lovable character has won over the hearts of many. One of his most charming characteristics is his fondness for cuddling up with a pillow whenever he gets the chance to catch some Z’s.

It appears that the individual referred to in this declaration has no qualms about claiming a significant portion of the bed. To accommodate his sprawling tendencies, the bed has been partitioned into three distinct sections.

Our goal for Bronson is to lose a pound every month, and so far he has successfully lost 1.6 pounds. This indicates that he is on track towards a healthier lifestyle.

The tiny cat is not yet ready to join the other cats in leaping onto the furniture on the wall. However, there is optimism that with time, he will gain the skills to do so.

Introducing Zuu, a kitty with the potential to become the next big Internet meme. This Exotic Longhair feline always seems to be snoozing, with a face that conveys a sense of judgement. What sets Zuu apart is the distinctive marking around his mouth, which makes it seem like he’s constantly yawning, in a state of surprise, or even in the middle of an opera rehearsal. If you’re feeling down, just one look at Zuu’s adorable grumpiness is sure to lift your spirits. In fact, the more you gaze upon him, the more you’ll find yourself chuckling! Don’t forget to follow Zuu’s Instagram page for even more cute pictures.