A Giant Pooch’s Daily Routine: Greeting Beloved Mail Carrier with Hugs and Cuddles

Each morning, Fronky, a lovable Bull Mastiff, goes through his daily routine. He waits eagerly by the door, begging his owner to let him out. Upon entering the front yard, he sits down and patiently anticipates the arrival of his dearest friend, Shaun, the mailwoman.

Shaun and Fronky’s friendship has been going strong since Fronky was only seven weeks old. They are the perfect companions and Fronky always gets excited when he sees Shaun getting ready to visit their home. His mother, Eileen, shared that Fronky’s tail starts wagging so fast while waiting for Shaun. Fronky has grown into a massive 180-pound dog, but he never jumps over the fence to greet Shaun. Instead, he is content to stay on his side while Shaun pets and cuddles him.

Eileen shared that Shaun’s chocolate lab had passed away. As a result, she thinks that spending time with Fronky gives her the puppy cuddles she misses. Eileen believes that taking a short break with Fronky helps Shaun and gives her something to anticipate. Shaun and Fronky are good friends, and she visits him sometimes on her days off. Eileen remarked that Shaun has become a part of their family, and they love seeing her every day, even though she forgets to stop by. Fronky gets excited whenever he hears Shaun’s voice.

Hill’s Pets notes that Fronky’s fondness for Shaun is not typical behavior for a Bullmastiff. While this breed is known for being kind and loving towards their families, they can become wary of strangers. Bullmastiffs are typically calm and easygoing, making them great companions for families with well-behaved children. However, when someone outside the family enters the picture, their attitude may change. They tend to be cautious around people who are not part of their immediate family.

It seems like Fronky sees Shaun as a member of his own kin, which is just heartwarming! Eileen expressed her gratitude that there’s a reciprocal bond between the two, so they’re both excited for what’s to come.

Meet Fronky, a lovable and enormous dog who has an adorable best friend. Watching the two of them together is heartwarming. For more pictures and videos of Fronky, be sure to check out his Instagram page. Don’t miss the chance to see Fronky and Shaun in action by watching the video below! Share this with your loved ones and acquaintances.