“Furball’s Fate: A Kitten’s Heartwarming Tale of Finding Forever Homes and a Second Chance at Life”

The little kitty had grown attached to the individuals who adopted him, following a week of being in the shelter. In the end, they were able to rescue him and keep him alive.

kitten snuggly paw

A feline named Owen, who had a black and white coat, was brought to an animal shelter, where he required foster care as he suffered from a mild upper respiratory infection and was smaller than his age. The staff posted a request for assistance, but no one came forward after a week of waiting. Fortunately, Erin, a Wrenn Rescues fosterer, learned about Owen’s situation and felt compelled to help. Erin felt drawn to the little kitten’s adorable face and collaborated with Mel Lamprey and Pumpkin Patch Pet Rescue to rescue him immediately.

kitten shelter

Owen, the cute kitten, was saved from the shelter where he had been staying for a whole week. His rescuers, the folks at Catastical Meows, were impressed with his vocal nature and his determination to never be alone again. During the ride back home, Owen expressed his gratitude and happiness with his crunchy meows, which were absolutely adorable. The rescue team noted that Owen had a lot of personality already.

kitten ride home

As Owen made his way home, he couldn’t help but express his excitement. Upon arrival, he wasted no time in settling in and grabbing hold of his favorite toys. Nestling into his human’s lap, he let out a contented purr as he drifted off to sleep. It was evident that all Owen wanted was some affection and companionship, as though he had been longing for it for a while.

kitten snuggly cute

Owen turned out to be a total sweetheart from the moment he arrived, his desire for cuddles being unending. Erin stated that he was eating happily and playing around joyfully. However, things took a turn when Owen suddenly became sluggish and lost his appetite. He also showed no interest in playing, preferring instead to snuggle up to her neck to sleep.

kitten curled up sleeping

@catasticalmeows noticed a significant drop in the weight of their tiny and underweight pet. To address this, Erin resorted to syringe-feeding and providing fluids to the pet. During a visit to the vet, they were surprised to learn that the pet was suffering from panleukopenia despite having been vaccinated in the shelter before being adopted. They learned that vaccination is not a guarantee that the pet wouldn’t contract or be exposed to such diseases.

kitten sleeping curled

Although Owen was smaller than his peers, he possessed a strong will. Upon returning home one day, he received ample supportive care to overcome his ailment. Following a few days of receiving fluids, medication and syringe feeds, Owen’s condition began to improve. As he gradually regained his appetite, his loud and lively voice returned as well.

sweet kitten

Owen’s condition was improving, and he regained his appetite. He no longer refused food and groomed himself as before with renewed energy. His fur had become healthier and glossier, and he showed steady progress in his recovery.
Erin mentioned that they noticed a significant improvement in Owen’s behavior when he started to eat by himself and demanded food every few hours. This change was a clear indication that Owen had made a remarkable recovery.

kitten on scale

Catasticalmeows shared some amazing news about Owen’s progress! After experiencing a significant drop in weight from 566g to 485g shortly after intake, Owen has started to gain weight steadily. In fact, he’s now at an impressive 740g, which is a great achievement! Not only has his weight improved, but his energy level has also gotten better. He’s been showing his playful side by bouncing around like he has springs under his feet, and he enjoys spending time with his beloved humans. Owen is a friendly cat who would love to have a companion to play with all the time.

sweet kitten owen

After a short period of low energy, Owen regained his vigor and began to display his playful behavior once again. As reported by @catasticalmeows, if Owen is caught doing something naughty, he will persist and refuse to give up. Currently, Owen finds pleasure in escaping from his playpen as if it were a game. Upon escaping, he would run around the room, resembling the muffin man, daring anyone to catch him.

snuggly kitten owen

@catasticalmeows shared that Owen loves to play around, but when he gets tired, he snuggles up with his foster mom and falls asleep while purring. For Owen, there’s no better place to take a nap than with the people he trusts. His adorable sleeping habits make it impossible not to love him.

tiny kitten owen

@catasticalmeows shared that the adorable kitten named Owen sports a charming white patch on his back. As soon as he is ready to mingle with other kittens, he will be welcomed by two foster companions. Owen’s progress is impressive as he continues to grow and become more robust each passing day. It is expected that he will make his future owners very delighted, giving them so much happiness and love in their forever home.

sweet kitten owen

Hey guys, don’t forget to spread the word about this heartwarming tale. You can find more stories about Owen and Erin’s foster pets on their Instagram page @catasticalmeows, as well as on the Wrenn Rescues page @wrennrescues.