Hilarious Discovery: Cat Shows Off Unexpected Talent!

Keys, the tuxedo cat, possesses a unique and amusing talent that never fails to bring joy not only to his family but also to everyone who witnesses it. He goes by the nickname Goal Kitty.


Peter Mares, a California-based owner, stumbled upon his pet’s amusing skill by chance, making it all the more delightful. One day, he observed his furry friend quickly raising her paws in the air, as if stretching, and captured the comical moment on camera. The next day, she repeated the action and was rewarded with her favorite treat. Over time, she began to recognize the camera and would perform the gesture whenever she saw it, according to Peter.


Each time a delightful snack is given to her, he utters the enchanting phrase, “I’m aware of what you desire.” This stimulates Keys’ enthusiasm. As soon as she hears those words, she swiftly raises her paws and adopts her “target” stance. “Whenever I bring out my camera and say the magic (phrase),” he disclosed to HuffingtonPost, “she immediately poses.”


Following the internet fame of Keys’ pictures, several individuals took to photoshop and created amusing scenarios with her comical poses. This further added to Keys’ popularity.


The sight of her is reminiscent of a goalkeeper attempting to prevent a ball from reaching the goalpost. Her expression exudes an abundance of resolve and enthusiasm!


Keys brings joy to her Instagram followers every day with her adorable goalie paws.




FIFA needs to adopt keys as its official mascot! Spread the word among your friends! 😊