“Rescued Feline Trio: One Tiny Kitten Proves She’s Mighty Despite Size Difference”

A group of kittens were discovered after someone heard their meows. One of the felines stood out due to her small size, but she proved to be just as capable as the others.

calico kitten baby

Meringue, the Calico: A Tale of Rescue and Fostering

It was just a couple of months back when the sound of meowing led to the discovery of four adorable kittens outside. These tiny creatures were in need of help, and that’s when Nanette, a kind-hearted rescue volunteer from South Bay, came to their aid. After securing them, she reached out to local animal rescue groups for assistance.

Enter Jen, an experienced foster parent for Wrenn Rescues. When Nanette was unable to find a suitable home for the kittens, Jen stepped up and took them under her wing. At only 10 days old, these young felines required round-the-clock care and attention, but Jen was up for the challenge.

Among the four kittens, Meringue stood out as the runt of the litter. She was significantly smaller than her siblings and required extra care. Nevertheless, Jen provided her with all the love and attention she needed to thrive.

Thanks to the efforts of Nanette and Jen, these kittens were given a second chance at life. It’s heartwarming to see how a simple act of kindness can make such a big difference in the lives of these innocent animals.

kittens orphan

The three feline siblings were discovered deserted outside the TNR South Bay and Jen Foster’s Kittens. Their rescuer, Jen, expressed her concern over their well-being, particularly for Meringue who was struggling to feed properly and needed tube-feeding. Sadly, Ganache didn’t survive, but Buttercream and Caramel hung on with Meringue, although they were all difficult to feed and grow slowly.

calico kittens sisters

Jenfosterskittens shares a heartwarming story about Meringue and Buttercream. Despite Meringue’s small size, she proves to be powerful and will definitely take charge once they grow bigger. With Jen’s unwavering attention and love, things began to improve. The kittens started eating well, including Meringue, who gained an impressive 200 grams in just a week. This made Jen worry less about their health and development.

tiny kitten tower

Jen Foster’s Kittens are small yet fierce. The three felines have been progressively becoming more energetic. Buttercream and Meringue were often seen together, playing and cuddling in the pen. They have become inseparable. The two kittens even learned to use the litter box at the same time and have synchronized their meal times, demanding food simultaneously.

calico kittens cute

JenFoster’s kittens would all get so excited whenever Jen brought in their bottle that they would start screaming at the same time and even try to climb over the partitions to reach her. Despite being fed every 3-4 hours during the day, they would still persistently demand more milk from their beloved foster mom.

hungry calico kittens

As each day passed, Jen’s little kittens slowly gained weight and strength. Upon reaching the one-pound milestone, Jen felt a sense of relief flood over her. Soon after, it was time for the young felines to try out solid food. Caramel bravely went first and successfully weaned himself off of his mother’s milk. Buttercream eventually followed suit and made the switch to solid sustenance as well.

kittens in litter box

Jenfosterskittens shared a cute story about her kitten trio, Meringue, Caramel, and Buttercream. Apparently, Meringue was the most reluctant to give up on her bottle, but eventually did so at almost eight weeks of age. With help from her siblings, Meringue also learned how to climb up a cat tree, but had difficulty getting back down.

kittens cat tree, calico kittens

@jenfosterskittens shared a brave feline’s solution for getting down from a cat tree. Instead of using the usual path, this kitty takes a leap to the nearby lounger and jumps down from there. It’s a unique way of conquering the descent every time!

calico kitten cat tree

Meringue is fond of jumping off the cat tree, as seen in the cute video uploaded by @jenfosterskittens. This adorable kitty has a close bond with Buttercream and they are set to be adopted together into their forever home. Meanwhile, their brother Caramel is eagerly looking for a loving family to call his own.

calico kitten sisters

Jen, who runs the Instagram account @jenfosterskittens, shares that the kittens she is taking care of have amazing personalities. The moment she enters the room, all three kittens start to purr and when she sits down, they all try to be on her. According to Jen, these kittens are incredibly affectionate, lovable, and playful.

calico kitten snuggly

She snuggled up with her favorite plush toy, as seen on @jenfosterskittens. Don’t forget to spread the word about these adorable kittens and Jen’s fostering efforts by sharing this story and following @jenfosterskittens, @wrennrescues, and @tnr_south_bay on Instagram.