“Robyn Brown from ‘Sister Wives’ Opens Up About Feeling Like an ‘Outsider’ in Her Husband’s Family”

The Brown family struggles to come together during the holidays, as it serves as a painful reminder of their fractured family. The latest episode of “Sister Wives” depicts Thanksgiving separations as the once polygamous family copes with multiple breakups. The episode was filmed when Christine and Kody were separated, and Janelle and Kody were experiencing marital issues. In the episode, Janelle spends Thanksgiving with her daughter Maddie, while Christine heads to her daughter Aspyn’s house. Meanwhile, Meri, Robyn, and Kody celebrate together. Kody reflects on this being the second Thanksgiving in a row that the family has celebrated separately. He expresses his hope for things to be straightened out over the next month or year, in order to find peace and love with his family. Although everything is changing, Kody feels at peace as he is surrounded by people who are not offended by him at the moment.

In an episode of the reality show, Sister Wives, Kody Brown’s four wives are struggling with family conflict separately. Meri Brown expresses sadness that their holidays are not the big family functions they used to be, while Robyn Brown’s three children feel rejected and hurt celebrating without Janelle and Christine Brown. Christine Brown’s Thanksgiving was easygoing and lovely, but Janelle Brown struggles with guilt over enjoying her own celebration. The family has been hurting for a long time due to accumulated hurt feelings from 12 years ago and the fallout from going public with their polygamous lifestyle. Kody Brown acknowledges his role in the family’s problems and Logan Brown suggests a sibling gift exchange for Christmas. Robyn Brown offers the idea of a sibling Zoom call, but after receiving pushback, she feels like an outsider again.

Christine Brown was interviewed about the family fight, sharing her own perspective. Robyn Brown claimed that her kids don’t remember their siblings, but Hunter (Janelle and Kody’s son) argued that one video call wouldn’t solve the problem. The situation escalated, hurt feelings were exposed, and the family was divided. Robyn Brown believes that her kids’ text message exchange caused the conflict. Janelle Brown is unsure if they can recover from the fight. Christine Brown believes that Kody Brown favors Robyn, causing tension among the wives and kids. She left Kody because of his favoritism, which she believes creates problems within the family.