“Selena Gomez’s Evolution in Swimwear: A Decade Apart”

Posting a photo from 10 years ago, Selena Gomez expressed her love for herself despite the changes in her appearance. On her personal page, Selena Gomez shared two photos comparing herself in 2013 and now. In the picture taken by paparazzi on the Florida beach in the United States 10 years ago, the 1992-born singer showed off her slim waist and hourglass figure. In the 2023 picture taken in Mexico, the body of the singer of “Slow Down” has undergone many changes. “Now I realize that I cannot go back to my previous weight or look slim. I am not perfect but I am being myself. Sometimes I forget how amazing it feels to be true to myself,” she shared on her personal page. Over the years, Selena Gomez has undergone changes in weight due to the autoimmune disease lupus and kidney transplant surgery.

Ảnh Selena Gomez diện áo tắm 10 năm trước và hiện tại - Ảnh 1.

Ảnh Selena Gomez diện áo tắm 10 năm trước và hiện tại - Ảnh 1.

Comparing Selena Gomez’s photos from 10 years ago and now, we can see how her battle with lupus has affected her over the years. The autoimmune disease has caused her a lot of struggles in life, leading her to tear up when discussing her condition. In the documentary film “Selena Gomez: My Mind Me,” the singer revealed that despite trying various methods and seeing numerous doctors, the disease keeps recurring. The constant medication has also caused her body to retain water, making weight loss difficult.

Facing body shaming, Selena Gomez has admitted to shedding countless tears over the hurtful comments from others. Despite claiming to not care about what people say, she revealed in an interview that she has often cried alone due to the cruel words directed at her.

The 32-year-old singer made it clear that she is not a model and does not feel pressured to be thin. Instead, she uses her voice and influence to speak out against body shaming, encouraging girls to love themselves just the way they are.