The Amazing Tale of a Stray Cat Who Became a Foster Mother to 10 Adorable Kittens, Even Those Who Are Not Hers

A feline that was discovered wandering aimlessly on the streets took it upon herself to care for 10 little kitties, even though not all of them belonged to her.

cat mom kittens

Macy, a stray cat, was discovered with her one-week-old kittens and was rescued for safety. However, another litter of kittens had no mother to care for them. Fortunately, the caretaker placed the kittens with Macy, and she welcomed them with open arms, nursing and caring for them like they were her own. As a result, Macy became a mother to ten kittens in total. Wilma, a Humane League volunteer from Pennsylvania, took all 11 cats under her wing so that Macy could receive the care she needed while raising her kittens in a comfortable environment. Macy adapted well to indoor living and quickly warmed up to her foster mom, showing her sweet and affectionate personality.

cuddle puddle kittens

Macy had her work cut out for her as she had 10 adorable kittens to take care of and rarely left their side during the initial weeks. She was their attentive mother, always ready to fulfill their needs. In case one of the kittens started crying, Macy was quick to attend to them and would soothe them with her loving licks.

Macy didn’t disappoint and continued to do an excellent job in keeping her babies clean and well-fed. She made sure that they were fed before going to bed so that they didn’t sleep with an empty stomach. Wilma lent a helping hand to the hardworking momma by supplementing the kittens’ meals twice a day.

needy kittens cat

The little kittens began exploring their surroundings and exhibiting mischievous behavior at just five weeks old. They quickly adapted to using the litter box and feeding themselves, thanks to Wilma and Macy’s encouragement. A video captures the adorable moments of Macy and her kittens playing with toys and wrestling with each other (and Macy’s tail!). In the morning, Wilma was greeted by a group of energetic kittens eagerly waiting for breakfast, while Macy snuggled up and purred affectionately.

cuddle puddle kittens, cat tree kittens

When the little felines weren’t devouring their meals or frolicking around the space, they devoted their time to trailing behind Wilma, providing their “help” as she attempted to tidy up. Macy was remarkably serene, but appreciated breaks from the boisterous brood of ten.

kittens cat window watching

As soon as the little felines grew independent, they took over Wilma’s computer desk. They were always there to offer their feline support through purrs and by keeping a watchful eye during screen time. Macy, on the other hand, cherished her own corner of the room where she could enjoy some solitude in peace and quiet. While her kittens cuddled up for a nap elsewhere, Macy preferred to snooze on the floor.

kittens napping, cuddle puddle kittens

The computer desk became the kittens’ napping spot as they snuggled up to Macy. Despite being weaned, the little ones still craved attention and Macy didn’t mind obliging. The family of 11 faced some tummy issues but bounced back in time for their spaying and neutering procedures. Recently, after completing their foster care program, Macy and her brood of 10 kittens were ready to find their forever homes. While it was hard for Macy to say goodbye, she knew they were prepared for a new chapter in their lives. Moreover, it gave her the opportunity to take in new, needy furballs.

busy cat mom, nursing kittens

This once homeless cat has made quite the journey and has not only taken care of her own litter of kittens but a second one as well. With joy in her heart, she feels proud to have helped these little ones grow into healthy and happy cats. Now she eagerly awaits a new home where she can be loved and appreciated for all that she’s done.

sweet calico cat

Macy is all set to embark on the exciting journey of finding her own place. Don’t forget to share this thrilling news with your pals!